Trevor Henthorn is a trumpet player, percussionist, composer, music and network technologist currently living in San Diego, California. With a background in electrical engineering and psychology, his music explores aspects of hyper-technology and psychoacoustics. His recent explorations emphasize analog and data-driven synthesis in both performance and installation formats. He gains inspiration and ideas from new media concepts and media contradictions with characteristics of industrialized performances. He taught at the Art Institute of California, San Diego, works as a sound technician for the Fern Street Circus, and is currently working as a programmer within the Department of Music at the University of California, San Diego. This month, he will be performing as “Hipster Modular” and as “Medical Grade”. View the accomplishments and credits on Discogs.com.
Recent News:

BlueRail 2022
October 9, 2022TV/E+ participatory video & audio: http://trevor.ucsd.edu/bluerail2022
Behind the Scenes TV/E+
BlueRail even on FB

Playing with Pipes
June 1, 2021Pipes is an amazing new instrument from the folks at Synesthesia.
Here is a journal of my successes.
Here is the latest video on Youtube.

TrevoScrub-MMAF-C19- VCV
May 22, 2020Audifying COVID-19 data in VCV Rack! Now on PatchStorage.com
Introductory video on Youtube and Details here

May 20, 2020Creating Brass in VCV Rack, Minimoog style! Now on PatchStorage.com
Introductory video on Youtube

May 19, 2020Minimoog realized in VCV. Now available on PatchStorage.com
Introductory video on Youtube

New CDs
May 14, 2020Available now on Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play, Deezer, Amazon Music and others:
- Hipster Modular – am ab ie 1.0
- Hipster Modular – Die Atem Sets
- Medical Grade – Nation State

RigRant – Electronic Music Happening
May 25, 2019Electronic Musicians Meetup – For this event, Hipster Modular, Delta-Sine, Drone Racing, Karaoke and, of course, David & Steph’s country jam! FB Event

Hipster Modular
May 18, 2019Introducción a la síntesis modular – TSS ver. 6.1
Public · Hosted by Resonancia Sound Lab – Cursos & Talleres and Tijuana Synth Scene
Photos by: Hæctor Benitez

Encuentro de Música Electrónica
November 25, 2017at the Azteca Brewery in Tijuana
Hipster Modular, Medical Grade, Delta-Sine, AB3ND, Cinema Miramar, Sir. Fox Bizarrium, Alan.

3er. Simposio de Música Electrónica en Tijuana
November 21, 2017Invited speaker with John Noble and Marilu Salinas.

Rig Rant / ElectronAztecs at the Pyramid
October 27, 2017Show of M A L U, Hipster Modular, Medical Grade, ADMNTM, AB3ND at
Porter’s Pub at the Pyramid.

Shoresh/The Ground is on Fire
October 21, 2017Show of M A L U and Hipster Modular after the performance.
La Caja Fuerte, Tijuana

October 7, 2017at the Azteca Brewery in Tijuana
M A L U, El Niño Helado, Hipster Modular, Medical Grade, AB3ND

Hipster Modular
September 9, 2017Performance at NRMAL in Rosarito with Haydeé Jiménez and her vibracoustic lounge and with M A L U in Ensenada.

Fern Street Circus
May 17, 2017May – October, 2017
Sound engineer for the Fern Street Circus. Performances include Bay Park, Pepper Park, the North Park Recreation Center, Jeremy Henwood Park, Azalea Park, Teralta Park, Colina del Sol Park, and Gomper Park.

Percussion for AMF at Decadence in Berlin
March 27, 2016Easter 2016
at Musik & Frieden

Artist Residency at the legendary STEIM! with Jeff Kaiser…
March 18, 2016March 18-28, 2016
More details, including Max for Live patches, to come.
Courses include: Sound for New Media, Digital Audio IV (Mastering and Surround Sound), Senior Project I, Senior Project II, Audio for Emerging Media, Audio Recording II (studio techniques), and Mastering.
Current equipment: Ableton Live, Max for Live, Push 2, Elektron (Analog Four, Analog Rytm & Octatrak) and various modular equipment.
Organizational Affiliations:
AES – Audio Engineering Society
ICMA – International Computer Music Association
ITG – The International Trumpet Guild
NASPA – National Association of Student Personnel Administrators
NAMM – National Association of Music Merchants
SMPC – Society for Music Perception & Cognition
- 6/1/2015 – Trevor Henthorn Honored as UCSD’S Exemplary Staff Employee
- 8/6/2006 – UT San Diego, 2006